Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Today, I'm feeling too lazy to actually think of anything myself, and will instead draw your attention to the following police blogger posts:

Busy Lizzie over at Panda tales has two tales of frustration: the first being diverted to a pile of thankless, pointless teenage woe whilst trying to catch burglars (really) and the second of how we just can't win of when we are obliged to do things we don't want.

Pc Bloggs has been watching and learning from the top on how to respond to questions.....

Big Fella wonders just what it will take before the system starts to reflect more weight in favour of the victims than criminals....

Franky has just realised the law has changed (only a year late mate ;-) )

Extra special just has too much time on his hands and is watching american TV!.....

Suppose I better go and do something myself now..........